Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saying No To Sexual Immorality

The understanding of the purpose of a thing aids your ability to relate effectively with and make proper use of it.
Abuse is a direct consequence of lack of understanding of purpose.
Eccl.3:1 makes it clear that to every purpose there isa time allocated.Whenever we try to have something before its time,we miss out on God's original intent and pan for it.
Sex was created by God,so it isgood.It is the improper use of it that makes it immoral,and consequently, a sin.
Sin starts in the arena of the mind.That is the place where it is concieved,incubated and then released for consumption.You are fully responsible for your thoughts.You can choose what to or not to think.Your words overide your thoughts life,because what doesnot happen in your mind,cannot happen in your world.
Sexual immorality starts from a decision in the mind realm or even a lack of it.You must a quality decision to stay away from sex and every appearance of it until the right time.Sex is so powerful that God ordained for it to be only indulged in within the security of the confines of marriage.Never have sex without the full protection and provisions of the marriage covering.
Sex is not a joke or a game,it is a convernant,and every convanant has implications as well as responsibilities.
In Dan 1:8,the bible tells us that Daniel "purposed" in his heart not to defile himself with the kings meat.It wasn't an easydecision to make,but because he had the right store of morality and good character in his heart,he could draw from it at that critical time in his life.
We must educate and renew our minds,purging it of wrong desires and filling it with God ordained and inspired desires.Ps.37:4
When we delight ourselves in God(make ourselves pliable,soft and yielded in his hands) he will begin to give us the desires(or askings) of our hearts.
I want to ask,the desires you now have,who gave them to you.The bible says to whom you yield yourselves to obey,you are servant to.Rm6:16.You need to look up to God in an intimate relationship so that he can begin to affect and impact your thought life,it will control you.
Pr.4.The issues that make or mar you come from your heart.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Free Your Mind

A lot of times in our lives we are bombarded with all sorts of thoughts which tilt our orientation and affect our perceptions of life.Well,we all cannot help thinking,but we can get creative while at it. The arena of our mind is a place of limitless possibilities and creative imagination.And think about it,nothing really happens in your life that does not first happen in your mind.Failure and success both start in your mind,therefore what you do not want to happen in your your life,should not be allowed and entertained in your mind.Your mind is an incubator from where consummated thoughts are released through words and actions.
It goes therefore goes without saying that if you can control your thoughts,you can easily control the course of your life.
You have to make a quality decision to focus your mind on the good things that God has promissed in his word and let those thoughts dominateyour life,because your life flows in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. (phil4:8)
Your mind is a canvas upon which you can paint a beautiful successful and fulfilled future or destiny.See yourself through the God's eyes and you will begin to experience tranformation as your thoughts are transformed. (Rom12:1,2)
You can never change in any area until you change your mind in that area.That is the starting point of any form of change you will ever experience.
If you don't feel good about yourself,change the way you think of yourself.Look into the mirrow of God's word and see who you really are,and let that image feed your perception of yourself. (2Cor3:18)
God has great plans for us and we have to get our minds to agree with what God has said concerning us.Every limit you see around you is actually rooted in the way you think.A paradigm shift in your mental orientation will definitely change your world view and ultimately,your life. Dare to see you,the way God sees you.Dare to see your life,job,marriage,etc as a success and begin to work towards it.
A lot of the challenges and obstacles we are confronted with come from within and the answers to these puzzles are also within us.
I challenge you to free your mind and let God take you on a breath-taking journey to a world of limitless possibilities.Take the limits off and God will meet you there!
Pastor Chisom Terex Okere is a preacher and teacher of God's word.She is the assistant pastor of Potter's House International Christian Centre,a bible based church located in Owerri,Imo state,Nigeria.She is a speaker and councellor,who is fully involved in the ministry of moulding lives and destinies with the word of faith.